
Soil Biology

This series of videos walks you through the REAL fundamentals of soil biology, including;

  • “REAL” soil testing and why
  • carbon testing
  • cyanobacteria and its vital importance to all forms of farm life
  • organic matter
  • soil temperature & ammonia
  • and so much more

Why Soil Test

Electricity In The Soil

This series of videos explains how we can measure the electricity in the soil, plants and trees. This includes;

  • the effects of electricity in agriculture
  • the corresponding magnetic fields that exist on our lands
  • how I discovered this phenomenal function with a fish bin and kelp
  • understanding how our soil is a solar panel
  • the importance of silica in the whole picture and how this is effected by UV light
  • the susceptibility of cations to be moved through electrical current and its importance relating to farm nutrients

Electricity In The Soil

This series of videos explains how we can measure the electricity in the soil, plants and trees. This includes;

  • the effects of electricity in agriculture
  • the corresponding magnetic fields that exist on our lands
  • how I discovered this phenomenal function with a fish bin and kelp
  • understanding how our soil is a solar panel
  • the importance of silica in the whole picture and how this is effected by UV light
  • the susceptibility of cations to be moved through electrical current and its importance relating to farm nutrients

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