Resources > Videos

Electricity In The Soil

Video Series

Electricity In The Soil

This series of videos explains how we can measure the electricity in the soil, plants and trees. This includes;

  • the effects of electricity in agriculture
  • the corresponding magnetic fields that exist on our lands
  • how I discovered this phenomenal function with a fish bin and kelp
  • understanding how our soil is a solar panel
  • the importance of silica in the whole picture and how this is effected by UV light
  • the susceptibility of cations to be moved through electrical current and its importance relating to farm nutrients

Let’s work together to create the greatest soil on earth

Discover how working with nature can unlock the potential of your farm. By focusing on improving soil health and using sustainable practices, you can enhance crop yields, boost animal health, and create a resilient, thriving farm. Together, we’ll create a plan that fits your land’s needs and your vision for success.