Client Result

“I just thought I’d call and let you know that we are ecstatic with the results. There is no grass anywhere except on our place”. And this was a call in mid February.

Alison went on to say…

“It’s been a while since we had plenty of cover through summer when it is this dry! Yes, we did the sand treatment, followed with the recommended fertiliser. We have also noticed a reduction in our thistle problem.

Over all, we are hoping for a bumper crop of lambs this year as the ewes are in excellent condition compared to last year. All our other stock are looking pretty amazing as well.”

Alison D – Otorohanga

Let’s work together to create the greatest soil on earth

Discover how working with nature can unlock the potential of your farm. By focusing on improving soil health and using sustainable practices, you can enhance crop yields, boost animal health, and create a resilient, thriving farm. Together, we’ll create a plan that fits your land’s needs and your vision for success.