
Garden Blend 20kg

Soil Building and Fertility

Garden Blend 20kg

A complete blend of natural ingredients to provide a full-spectrum of nutrients, biology and energy to your garden.

NZ$40.00 (incl. GST)

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Product Overview

Ecofarm Garden Blend is a unique blend of biology and essential minerals required by all plants for optimum nutrition, growth and production. This unique blend will benefit the vegetable patch, orchards, vines and ornamentals.

About Ecofarm Garden Blend
Using Probitas as the cornerstone of this garden mix, Ecofarm Garden Blend restores the natural electrical production of the soil. This stimulates biological activity, photosynthesis and plant mineral uptake. By adding concentrated ocean minerals, natural silicas, and natural biological inoculum we can reinvigorate tired soils and plants.

What is in Ecofarm Garden Blend?
Ecofarm Garden Blend has come about through years of practical research in finding natural resources to combat many of our soils major problems, such as aluminium toxicity, chemical residues and lack of biological activity. The product contains natural silica products that can alleviate aluminium toxicity, and also helps defend against disease and fungal attacks.

With the right biology included this allows the soil to reinvigorate itself which releases the nutrients of the soil for healthy plant production.

For more information and the science behind Ecofarm Garden Blend and Probitas, please read the book “An Ecofarmer’s Discovery” by Ewan Campbell.

Ecofarm Garden Blend comes in 20kg bags gardens with the recommended rate being 1kg/4m2.

Contents include:

  • Probitas Soil conditioner
  • Concentrated sea minerals
  • Gypsum
  • Magnesium as MgCO3
  • Calcium as CaCO3,
  • Silica – oxide and hydroxide form,
  • Active fungal species and cyanobacteria – to provide the good guys, selenium and iodine

Ecofarm Garden Blend is Organic but not certified.

A note about watering your garden
It is best to use non-chlorinated water and unfortunately town supply water is full of it. Chlorine is effective in killing the biology of the soil, as well as the biological component of Ecofarm Garden Blend.

Water needs to be ‘alive’ and energetic. Just like you never see rivers in a straight line. ‘Flowform’ and ‘Purifying Pearls’ for both tank water and even jug water give energy to the water lucky enough to be near. Just like an energising playground for your water. And of course, that energy is then transferred to you and your plants. (Coming soon are studies on their effect on the reduction of chlorine in the water).

You can also collect your rain water in a barrel and use this to irrigate your garden. Otherwise using a shower rose, sprinkle the town supply water into a barrel and let the oxygen from the air remove the chlorine, waiting for a day or two, before using on your garden.

By creating your living water, you create even better health for your soil, your food and your health.

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